Sunday, August 11, 2013

Successes and Failures

Mommy successes that aren't (because it's really just my kids being awesome).

1- The other day we were driving somewhere and Eli got all upset at the radio station:
    E: "Mom, I want to listen to a guy station, not a girl station."
I switched stations.  A man was singing, but it was a love song.
    E: "Not this one, a GUY station"
I switched it to the Christian rock station I listen to.
   E: "That's better!"
I'd like to think it was because it was songs about Christ, and NOT that it was a guy singing to a rock and roll beat.

2- Anna is VERY comforting and ever since Aaron got sick, has stuck to his side whenever she can.  She's his little nurse and he's her jungle gym.

3- When Eli prays, lately, his prayer is basically the children's hymn, "A Child's Prayer".  At least I know he's ready for the primary program.

4- Anna is finally able to go up and down the stairs.  Okay, this was probably inhibited by me wanting to hurry so I wouldn't let her go up and down the stairs herself.  HOWEVER, she is bossy enough that now she won't let me pick her up and carry her up/down the stairs.

5- Eli has been doing MUCH better at leaving places without crying.  This may or may not have anything to do with the fact that I promise him a treat but only when we are leaving for home.  HE is also really good about it when I use Anna's nap or her tantrum as a reason.  He's becoming VERY understanding in that respect.

6- Anna likes to sing.  Last night I came home WELL past their bedtime and I could hear her singing in her crib to herself.  Super cute.

These are all successes of being a mom.  Not because of me, but because my kids are awesome.  When I look at what success I have had,  it's nada.  I'm still not patient (sometimes I don't even try to be), I need to be more involved and do fun activities, I failed to teach them things when it's easier to do them myself, and I think I am probably the cause of most of the problems we have.  So, while I'm trying to get up to snuff, at least my kids are cool in themselves.


Tim and Ashley Tappana said...

I absolutely love good mommy days. The ones where I feel like the day was a complete success. I need to be way more patient too. Sometimes I think that maybe I'm just expecting to much out of my three year old daughter and I have to remind myself that she's not a teenager. Which can be hard :). I love hearing about other people's mommy moments. This was a great post!

Brittany & Garrett Best said...

I feel the same way. I need to pull away from the internet and computer and be more iNVOLVED with my kids and doing more fun things with them and more quality time with them.